korean accessory

Best Korean Traditional Things to Buy on the Internet

If you already watched a Historical Korean drama or movie, you might have already seen traditional Korean products. Some of these objects can be found in Seoul, in specific stores, or in traditional places like Insadong.
But should we really go to Korea to find these articles? How to buy these Korean Traditional goodies from our home? Here, find some recommendations for buying Korean Traditional things on the Internet.

Top Online Korean Traditional Things

Korean Decorations

Traditional Korean Lamp or 한지등

Korean traditional lamp
[Source: www.trazy.com]

These traditional Lamp made in Korean traditional paper called “Hanji” (한지) became really popular during the Goryo Dynasty for its good quality. The paper lamp became famous all around the world, especially because of the Japanese and Chinese who also had their own version of the paper lamp. These two countries were really popular abroad for a long time. Other countries discovered this artistic and pure lamp by the influence of Japan and China who exported earlier their culture.
Even if lamps are built in the same wood part, the Korean wood was famous for being better.

Many online stores purpose these traditional lamps for selling with various degrees of quality.

The website Antique Alive purposes different traditional lamps for an interesting price. All the website’s information is writing in English and you can process your payment by different secured methods (Crédit cards, Paypal, etc).

Some individual creators are selling their creations on a website called Etsy. The price might be different but it’s handmade work by an independent creator. For example, this is the profile of the creator named KoreanArtCollective and who is making some Korean traditional paper lamps.

Celadon Green Pottery or 청자

celadon, green, korean, traditional
[Source: www.amazon.com]

Even if you never eared that name, if you have an interest in South-Korean you already saw this pottery. Also called the Korean Celadon Pottery or “greenware” which got its name from the green-colored Korean pottery because the color is similar to Jade.
This green pottery was used and developed during the Goryo Dynasty by Korean artists. Because of the beauty and the fineness of this vessel, the Royal court also used it in their palaces.

This online store purpose you a lot of Korean Celadon green pottery. Plates, bowls, Jars, or also animal statues, with their various design and shape, you might find your perfect style. This is a good idea to buy the Celadon green pottery for decorating your house with a traditional and useful Korean product.

Wood carved Geese

korean, geese, traditional
[Source: www.antiquealive.com]

This is a Korean traditional goodie that you can easily find. The carved geese are used for a long time in Korea and traditionally offers to the married couple during the wedding ceremony. These geese are a symbol of fidelity. This is good merchandise for decorating your house! There are various carved geese. First, you can find the classic ones painted with natural colors. There are also goose painted with the emblematic Korean colors that are red and blue. Finally, you can also find the lacquered carved geese are wrapped up in a traditional tissue.

Antique Alive shop purpose you these 3 types of carved geese for decorating your house.

Korean Accessories


Hanbok, Korea, Traditional

When we talked about Korean traditional things, you might immediately think about the Hanbok! You probably tried to wear a Hanbok if you came to Korea. So what do you think about buying your own Hanbok? With all these different colors and fabric textures, this is a good way to find a traditional but personal article from Korea. Show your personality through your Hanbok!

You can find traditional Hanbok on the website. This shop also purposes a modern hanbok collection to encourage people to wear it in daily life.

Korean Traditional Hair Pin

For those who want to wear traditional stuff but cannot / doesn’t want to wear a Hanbok, why not use a hairpin? Symbol of the social hierarchy, women used hairpins since the Three Kingdoms Period.

Nowadays, you can easily find these hairpins on the Internet. The giant website Amazon.com (click on the link to see the selection) had various hairpins for different prices. Depending on your budget, many creators on Etsy (click on the link to see the selection) purpose handmade creations.

Korean traditional ornament or Norigae

Norigae, Korean, Traditional, accessory
[Source: www.amazon.com]

Norigae is the name given to the Korean traditional accessory wear by women. Traditionally, women fix this accessory to their hanbok or skirt. But nowadays, it can be used for various reasons. Some people still used it as an accessory. Some others used it as a decoration. You can find a lot of creative ideas on the Internet.
Norigae evolved and you can now find various sizes and shapes of this accessory.

But where can we find this accessory called Norigae? The famous website Gmarket is selling it and can send you your package everywhere in the world. You can choose the payment method as your preference and also choose your favorite currency. The website is sure and the delivery is fast. Your package will be sent through EMS or SF express. Click on this link to see the Gmarket’s selection.

Korean Jade jewelry

Jade is important to Korean culture and History. In the beliefs and story, the Korean jade had magical powers. These powers will provide to the owner a lot of benefits as fortune and improving health.
So that, it might be a good choice to buy a piece of Korean jade jewelry. This will allow you to have the jade’s benefits and also, a part of the Korean culture with you.

Because It can be complicated to find the perfect jewelry that will fit you, this is three stores where you can buy your jade jewelry.

Joom is a shop that will purpose you a lot of Korean stuff for cheap prices. If you are searching for cheap jewelry, you can search on this website. There are not a lot of designs, and we cannot be sure about the products’ quality but it can be enough for some people because of really cheap prices.
You can also find many jade accessories at the Antique Alive shop, especially necklaces. Because of the shape and colors of these necklaces, these ones can fit men and women from different age generations.

Finally, you can also find some beautiful creations on Etsy (click on the link to see the selection). For jade jewelry, prices are various and depend on your accessory. But you can buy cheap handmade products on this website (not cheap as much as Joom..).

Goodies for the daily life

Tea table and tray

Everyone who watched a Korean Historical drama saw this table. This is typical Korean furniture that you can perfectly use in daily life. This table was used for the tea service. Because in the Korean tradition, people were sitting on the floor, the table is not high. But, of course, this table can be used for different reasons and will give a Korean atmosphere to your house.
You can also use the tea tray in your daily life for the tea (or other beverages) or just as a decoration in your living room, kitchen, or room!

There are a lot of products in Amazon.com. But the research result might be confused because the giant store will purpose you few Korean tea trays in the ocean of Japanese and Chinese tea trays. So, we don’t recommend this website if you don’t want to spend a lot of time searching. Antique Alive store sells some traditional tea table and tea tray but, here too, just a few styles are purpose.

Lacquer tray and Mother of Pearls

mother of pealrs, korean, traditional, lacquer, box
[Soure: www.tradekorea.com]

This is one of the most famous products you can see when you come to Insadong, in Seoul. The Lacquer tray. So, it might be easy to find it on the internet. And no worry about the style of the lacquer tray. There are so many sizes and designs, you will find your lacquer tray for sure. If the Lacquer tray is probably the easier Korean traditional product to buy on the Internet, it is not the cheapest one. In fact, the lacquer tray is a high-quality product.

Because it is easy to find, the biggest worldwide website has its lacquer tray stock (Amazon, Ebay, etc.). Antique Alive also sells some of these products with flower designs. Get an eye-opening on the Auction Whiswick website where you can find some beautiful merchandise.

Korea is also famous for the mother of pearls made products. Water bottle, hairbrush, pills box, mirror, bookmarks, phone cases,… With old or modern designs, everything can be made by the mother of pearls. A good gift idea for your relatives or just for yourself! To see more about the mother of pearls products, you can visit the Antique Alive shop.

We hope this post helped you to understand where to buy your Korean traditional products on the Internet. Maybe we gave you some new ideas for your decoration or for your next gifts. Do not hesitate to tell us in the comment section which one you bought or which one you want to buy in the future.

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